Ayerro Admin replied

612 weeks ago

OM's, also known as "official matches," are the SE-schedule run matches that take place in Jugner, Pashow, and Meriphataud. The schedule cycles through 30, 40, 50, 60, and uncaps as they are pushed a few hours ahead each day.

Our LS along with a few JP linkshells attend the 60 cap OMs.

1) ballista license
2) level 60 job

There're no gear or job restrictions here as opposed to our hako matches, where we played mirrored matches; refer to hyperlink for more information on hako matches.

Though there are no "official" rules for OMs, these listed below are established based on general courtesy within the ballista community.

sign up at 18:00 - 22:00 - although signups actually start earlier, we sign up during 18:00-22:00 because only entries during this time period are auto-balanced.
★ try not to warp and change jobs during a match, or after teams have been auto-balanced. For example, if a match is auto-balanced to have 1 RDM on each side, and you choose to switch from MNK to WHM, the teams would be 1 RDM on one team and 1 RDM + 1 WHM on another. Especially with high impact jobs and the tendency of OMs to be heavily unbalanced, auto-balance is as "balanced" as OMs will get.
★ don't sign up and log off unless you want to be an asshole, asshole. >(
★ try not to afk during a match, obviously, but if something's on fire or you need to take care of something immediately, head back to the herald and "request a discharge." This allows another player to take your place when you leave so the teams won't be uneven.
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