Beginners, experts, part-time players, addicts. Anyone is welcome to join. You'll usually find me in Port Jeuno, just sitting there next to the Bastokan airship flag. I'll be in the corner, so feel free to reply here, ffxiah, or /tell.
Most of the matches are 60 cap OM, meaning they're the level 60 capped matches that take place in Jugner, Pashow, and Meriphataud. Anyone who holds the KI, "Ballista License" is allowed to participate; those who do not have the KI yet, can acquire it easily with a quick quest. Note, a ballista license is not required to participate in diorama, we advise you to get your ballista license as soon as possible for the official matches that take place daily.
When the official matches are not so busy, we often opt to "diorama," which is basically the same as an official match, but more on terms of practice. No ballista points are awarded in diorama as they would be in an official match, thus no chevrons (medals) will be awarded.
As of 1/26/2013, I'll provide you with the status of our linkshell and ballista on Fenrir. Since matches rotate every real life day, they fall into different time zones. From what I've seen, the NA-time based matches usually consist of 4v4s up to 6v6s, while the peak of participation falls into the matches that take place during the JP hours producing averages of 12v12s and 14v14s. We've gotten a few more players who've transferred to Fenrir for ballista this month, making us a more formidable team. Besides the existence of just one ballista shell on Fenrir, there are currently two JP shells that consistently attend matches. A few of them are able to make it to the NA matches as well.
If you'd like to know more, /tell Ayerro in game, message on ffxiah, message on GW - wherever. I'll always check! This ballista community always welcomes fresh or returning players as well, so there's no need to feel shy or intimidated. If you're not even sure if ballista is your cup of tea, you're still welcome to join a few matches.
Hide your taru, or our small King Kupofried will do things, bad things.
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